You can find below a series of FAQs about the proposals for the Barnsbury Estate transformation that have been asked throughout the consultation so far.
These FAQs are regularly updated. If you have any further questions you can let us know here.
why has the project been delayed?
Last summer, the Government announced revised fire regulations for new buildings, including requiring those buildings over 18 metres (six floors) to have two staircases. Therefore, we have spent some time reviewing the entire masterplan and making changes to ensure that the masterplan meets the required fire safety standards.
The result of adding second staircases across the estate, as well as other factors such as the rising cost of construction, means that we need to explore where we can provide additional homes to ensure that we can deliver the homes and other significant benefits that residents voted for.
Whilst we are making changes to the masterplan, our fundamental promises remain unchanged, including ensuring that all existing tenants and resident leaseholders on New Barnsbury will have the option of a new home if they wish.
These changes will speed up the delivery of the overall masterplan, meaning that more residents will be able to move into their new homes sooner.
In July 2024, we submitted a Section 73 (S73) planning application to amend Phase 1a to increase the number of homes by 32 and increase the height of block A3 by one storey. This was approved by Islington Council in November 2024. We are aiming to commence works to Phase 1a in summer 2025.
In October 2024, we consulted on updates to the wider masterplan to get your feedback on the changes required in other phases. We are holding further consultation events on 10 and 14 December, ahead of submitting our planning application in early 2025.
Why are you consulting with us again?
The Government’s change to fire regulations which requires the inclusion of a second staircase on buildings over 18 metres tall has meant that we have needed to re-examine the proposals for New Barnsbury.
We have made changes to the proposed buildings to accommodate the additional staircases where required and to ensure that we are able to include enough homes to ensure that the masterplan is viable and can be delivered.
In October 2024, we consulted on updates to the wider masterplan to get your feedback on the changes.
Since October, we have been working closely on the designs – where new homes could go, as well as updating the landscaping and green spaces alongside the tweaked buildings. We are holding further consultation events on 10 and 14 December, ahead of submitting our planning application in early 2025.
Haven’t you already submitted another application recently though?
Yes, we submitted a Section 73 (S73) application just for the first phase that will be built – Phase 1a – in July 2024.
A S73 is an application to vary an existing permission. This was brought about by the new fire regulations, and we consulted with residents in May 2024 on the changes to Phase 1a.
Islington council approved this planning application in November 2024 and these designs will be included as part of the new masterplan application when the whole thing is submitted early in 2025.
Does this mean that what residents voted on is completely changing?
The principles of the Barnsbury Estate Transformation are very much still in place and the significant benefits that will be realised for residents will still be delivered. This includes much improved new homes, new public spaces, parks, an improved community centre and keeping our promises regarding the terms of your tenancy.
Will you be re-balloting residents like you did in 2022?
We don’t intend to re-ballot as the offer to residents and the benefits of the transformation remain the same. However, we will be seeking to demonstrate support in different ways.
Are you delaying my new home being built?
The Government’s changes to fire regulations means we will start works two years later than we had planned, which unfortunately means that residents moving into Phase 1a will have to wait longer for their new homes.
However, by combining Phases 1b and 1c as part of our masterplan changes, we will be able to deliver the whole of Phase 1 (including 1a, 1b and 1c) in five years instead of seven. This means we will be able to rehouse everyone else quicker, with all residents rehoused by 2032 instead of 2035 as previously expected.
I’m a Newlon tenant, will my rent increase?
Newlon is committed to social tenants’ rent remaining at the same level for a home with the same number of bedrooms. Rent will continue to be set by Newlon as per your current tenancy agreement and Newlon’s rent policy.
How many new homes are you adding?
We had originally proposed to build approximately 914 homes in total. We are now proposing to deliver approximately 1,140 homes across the updated masterplan which will increase the number of homes by 226. This will include a minimum 426 social rent homes which includes 291 replacement homes for existing residents.
Why are you proposing an increased number of homes?
To deliver the fire safety improvements, and offset the large rise in building costs, and delivering the number of homes for social rent, we need to provide additional homes for sale to make the scheme financially viable.
We’re also very aware that there are 15,000 households on Islington’s housing waiting list and so we are looking to play our part in addressing this by providing homes where there is space to do so.
I am a Newlon tenant, will these changes affect the type of home I will be offered?
You will still be offered a home that meets your needs in accordance with your housing needs assessment.
When will residents see the layouts of flats within blocks as some of the blocks have changed?
We have included typical flat layouts from phase 1b as part of the December 2024 round of consultation.
Why are you building so much taller by the canal? How did you choose where to build additional height?
In order to meet new fire regulations, there is significantly more space being taken up by additional staircases. Therefore, to make the scheme viable, we need to build higher in certain parts of the site and the canal-side area has been determined as the most appropriate area for additional height.
Why are there additional trees being cut down?
As part of our work to meet new fire regulations, the footprint of the proposed buildings have changed and so three additional trees along the Copenhagen Road frontage will need to be removed in order to facilitate this. The submitted planning application, for the Phase 1a changes, required four existing trees to be removed and we are mindful of the overall impact this removal will have along the street as a whole.
The aspiration is to re-provide the loss of trees where possible and appropriate (depending on sufficient soil volume and space for growth), and offer seasonality, cooling and ecological benefits for those living on the estate.
The selection of species will be informed by those removed, together with the opportunity to plant more of a variety of species that will provide short, medium, and long term canopy cover.
Will the additional height affect the levels of daylight and sunlight?
The additional height has been carefully designed to minimise the impact on residents, with sunlight to outdoor communal areas, such as the resident square, being kept the same or improved compared to the consented scheme.
What improvements are being made to the community centre?
We are reviewing the layout of the community centre to deliver more in this space and we would welcome your thoughts on what should be included or how this space could be used. It’s likely that there will be flexible rooms available for hire as well as a double height community hall designed to accommodate a range of activities. We will also be re-providing space for a nursery and include an outdoor terrace that can be used as dedicated play space for the children.
How will you ensure that the nursery and Community Centre will not be disruptive to those living in the blocks next door?
The community centre will be carefully designed to keep noise away from residents. The higher-quality buildings will have good sound insulation, while the play areas will include mitigating measures to limit the disruption noise causes.
What happens if Islington do not agree with the plans?
We are working hard to ensure that the proposals meet Islington Council’s expectations of what should be delivered across the masterplan and that they meet the Council’s planning policies.
How do we know if this is the last change as we have a new government and there might be more fire regulations?
At this time, we are only able to work to the fire regulations that have been brought forward by the Government. If there are further changes in the future then we will need to react to these as required.
What’s happening on Old Barnsbury? Why has it been delayed?
Newlon are starting on the Old Barnsbury kitchen and bathroom refurbishment at Fisher House in January.
Critical drainage repairs are currently being undertaken and improvements to the playground and landscaping are scheduled for spring 2025.